Remote Access

Remote Access

Remote access mentions to the expertise of a data-processing structure that permits an operator to access a computing device or a network from a distant place. The linking between the structures is simply recognized using access to a remote facility. Select the deployment opportunity that best fits your requirements.


Secure Mobile Access

Secure Mobile Access

Divya technology is an integrated safe access doorway that permits the association to offer anytime, wherever and any mobile or any other device access to any application. Classically SMA products feature client less connectivity that eliminates the requirement for a pre-installed VPN software customer.

Remote Access Management

Remote Access Management

Divya technology central management server is a web-based stage that achieves and reports on all the safe mobile access applications you have organized. CMS provides a top grade of resiliency, streamlines management of many SMA applications for universal placements and decreases the full price of a process. This is too now recognized as IT remote management.

VPN Clients

VPN Clients

The software VPN customer from Divya Technology offers mobile co-workers with high safety encoded access to the corporate network countrywide and overseas. Once arranged, VPN access is recognized through the finest accessible medium with just one click. The user also comprises a stateful review firewall and it supports entirely IPSec procedure extensions.

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